Night has been jailed in your hair

by Maziar Karim
Roundhay Lake

John Atkinson Grimshaw, “Roundhay Lake” (1877)


Has been jailed
In your hair

I have been jailed
In your hourglass eyes

Will be snowy
For counting snowflakes
I should reverse hourglasses



I am watching
the pupils of your eyes
you are staring to the future
I watch the past

Between billions of dilemmas
will go toe to toe
till hug of grave
would turn off our doubts



A girl
Without canopy
A mother
Without backrest
A spouse

Without hug
A father
Without comrade

One shoot

has killed several


was the guarantor of the grenade
that it shrapnel of Ah
has injured all the people of cities
But from any mouth
Has not been shedding any blood
Except from eyes of the mother
who tearfully
Locked in the frame



Hugs neck
Hugs the heart of the photo
Hugs cold grave stone
And our feet
In regret of warmness
Hugs city squares

About the author

Maziar Karim is an Iranian poet, writer, translator and philosopher. Born in 1982 in Tehran, Iran, he holds a Masters degree in Information Technology. He has been doing research in the fields of philosophy, psychology, philology, mythology and literature. His work has appeared in various literary publications in the United States, including Better Than Starbucks, DREGINALD, The Bookends Review, Gramma Poetry, Smithsonian Magazine and Fictional Café.

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