
I See Everything

by Ian O Grady
I See Everything
Whenever I heard that all familiar sound of the door opening I would get so excited. Molly had taken her two young sons to soccer practice, while I…
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The Annual Halloween Progressive Dinner

by Maggie Nerz Iribarne
The Annual Halloween Progressive Dinner
In the bathroom of the first party, the appetizer house, an orange candle burned on the windowsill, its weak flame struggling to survive. Lori, wine-buzz settling...
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Maisie’s Kisses

by Shahrzad
Maisie’s Kisses
Maisie realised her kisses kill when she was about ten. She was at the playground with her friend Henry. They ran over the see-saw together…
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A Hearty Feast

by Dawn Colclasure
A Hearty Feast
She watched him. He seemed to be way ahead of his opponents, but it wasn’t how fast he worked or his skill in slicing, dicing and cubing foods that she saw…
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Hello, Neighbour

by Leon Caluzzi
Hello, Neighbour
A new family had arrived at the street. It was a nuclear one. Father, mother, daughter and son. They, along with 2 other men and the...
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by Shahrzad
It was a gorgeous late summer evening at Fish Cove. The sky was tinted with beautiful variations of coral-pink-orange-red as the sun prepared to set…
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by Matthew Jeffrey
We live in a culture of records; every expression saved in some file, stored on some server. I see the beauty of the transient, the mortal…
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Adult Orphanage

by Gail Brown
Adult Orphanage
Ashley turned off the busy interstate highway. She drove down one long overpacked road after another. Ten miles took nearly thirty minutes to reach…
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The Grandfather Paradox

by Matthew Gall
The Grandfather Paradox
Time travel. Finally, we had achieved it. “What happens if I go back in time and kill my grandfather?” I had asked my professor, who I had assisted…
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by Nathan Perrin
Every night Chloe visits me in my dreams. Flames surround my bed, smoke all around. Her eyes look at me, lifeless. She’s charred and bloodied all over…
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