
Abandon All Hope

by J.B. Polk
Abandon All Hope
Some people believe that life is a series of random events, which is probably true because the outcome of this story and many others would have...
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Run After

by Mikhail Strannik
Run After
When the road passed along the edge of the woods, thirteen-year-old Gerda heard the crack of a branch behind her and turned her head back…
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The Closing Shift

by Imani Felder
The Closing Shift
Dino’s Café was stuck between a gas station and a dance studio. The building had been there since anyone could remember. If anything, it’s been there...
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by Colby Galliher
In a once-logged forest in the northern reaches of the Blue Ridge a mountain laurel colony thrives across measureless acres. The stronghold’s every molecule is poisonous…
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Buried Alive

by R. Craig Sautter
Buried Alive
They tried to bury me alive, back in high school during my Junior Year, and it still scares the bejesus out of me when I think about it…
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Wolf Song

by Matthew Gall
Wolf Song
“I just can’t get the song out of my head, doc.” The man complained. I sighed. This was my 7th case today about auditory hallucinations…
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Head Case

by Bill Tope
Head Case
Standing on the parking lot of the little strip mall, Trevor Baker leaned on his push broom and waxed philosophical. He glanced at the clock tower...
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Snow Woman

by Hilary Ayshford
Snow Woman
Winter is her time: time to revel in the cold, to dance on the drifts and glide on the wind. Seven long months Yuki-onna retreated with the thaw to her ice cave…
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Watching Christine

by Emma-Sunshine Mackereth
Watching Christine
I sit down at my computer, ready to watch Christine. The 24/7 livestream of her life on the platform “Viewer” feels like it’s consuming me these days…
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Tokens of Darkness

by Michelle Trantham
Tokens of Darkness
Selena had been the first to leave him, the only one the darkness had let escape from the house unscathed. He’d loved her. He’d loved them all…
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