I am Leo, you are Libra
I am Leo, you are Libra. I am the fire, you are the wind.
You…if you knew what you are like…
You are so amazing, light, fast, swift, brave and free.
The wind defeats all the elements.
It fans fire, raises waves in the sea,
Brings down avalanches,
Weathers and destroys mountains.
The wind has come to me and fanned the fire of love in my heart.
What can I do for the wind?
Only warm it or—if I will have the strength—
Dry it and make it burning hot because of my love,
Making the wind formidable, merciless and all-conquering like love itself…
If I will have the strength.
The wind is attracted by journeys and wanderings.
It’s no use trying to lock the wind up or hide it in a cage.
The moment will come and you will leave me.
You will fly to distant lands full of many other fires,
Whose flames attract you, whose flames are waiting for you,
Oh my short-lived love.
The fire lives and happily flares up as long as the wind is near it.
So do I—my heart is full of you,
I am happy, enjoying every moment while you are with me, dear,
Because I am the fire and you are the wind.
* * *
My eyes are reflecting in your eyes.
In my reflected eyes I see the reflection of your eyes—
Are we endlessly entering into each other
Or moving away from each other endlessly?
* * *
Stop for a moment your rapid run, let me hear from you.
There is no air, no light, no warmth, no water or earthly firmament without you.
Space and time disappear without you, the universe dies without you.
And I’m dying as well.
The Schlimazel from Saint Petersburg
“Gretche-e-e-en!” the cry spreads all over the earth,
Through all the galaxies, through the entire universe.
The inhabitants of other worlds hear it and say,
“This is the cry of the Schlimazel from Saint Petersburg.
He is calling his Gretchen. Obviously, he misses her.”
On the Glass of My Life
A beautiful woman’s face is painted on the glass of my life.
I am seeing everything through that face,
Through the wonderful colors, through the heavenly eyes,
Through the crow’s wing of hair, through the quiet smile.
As long as that face smiles at me, life smiles at me too,
And I see the colors and the heavenly highness of that face in everything.
That’s your face, my darling!
What will happen to me when this smile is not for me,
When I don’t have your smile?
Does anyone want the night to come?
Let the day of my happiness last longer.