Issue 6 is done. We grow and try something new!

April 30, 2023

Issue 6 is done. We grow and try something new!

Dear readers, writers and friends! Our sixth issue contains magnificent poems and exсiting short stories, as well as witty two-sentence stories with plot twists you won’t expect. Our new non-fiction is also well worth your attention, and it is a bit of…experimental for our publication.

Both authors of the articles, which I decided to publish in the issue, wrote me they are not sure that their works fit in the magazine of horror and science fiction. Yes, they have a point, but I have the reasons why the works do fit in “The Evening Universe”—at least like some kind of our editorial experiment.

Sasha Krugosvetov’s essay “Danger” describes in a poetic and philosophical way his experience of martial arts. He writes about some mystical things, which are especially unexpected and interesting since the author is a scientist. Sasha also writes about the modern world, in which life gives us challenges every day, but he believes that “where there are no dangers, there is stagnation and swamp.” Let’s embrace the future!

What the future will be, depends on us. So Cordy Walker’s article “Writing a Character With Tourette’s” seems very important to me. The world of the future must be better than today’s. All people in it should have equal opportunities and not be subjected to any kind of discrimination. Cordy writes: “I am a constant advocate for representation in media, and I especially push for disabled people to be given the platform and opportunity to tell our own stories, since we are too often spoken over by abled voices trying to tell our experiences. I am not against writers including characters with identities and experiences outside of their own, I encourage it!”

Happy reading!

Sincerely yours,
Maxim Sviridenkov,
founder and editor-in-chief of “The Evening Universe”

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